Develop your business cost-effectively
The cost to sell on Amazon depends on your selling plan, product category, fulfilment strategy, and other variables. The options are flexible, so you can find the combo that works best for you and your goals.
€39 (excl. VAT) per month + referral fees
Selling plan
The individual selling plan is €0.99 per unit sold and the professional selling plan is
€39 (excluding VAT) per month, no matter how many units you sell.
€39 (excluding VAT) per month, no matter how many units you sell.
Referral fees
Amazon charges a referral fee for each item sold. The amount depends on the product category. Most referral fees are between 8% and 15%.
Fulfilment fees
The cost to ship your orders depends on whether you fulfil your own orders or use Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA).
Other costs
Some sellers may incur additional fees (such as long-term storage fees) or pay for optional programmes like advertising or premium account services.
Anreize für neue Verkaufspartner
Starten Sie mit über 47.250 € an Anreizen
Erhalten Sie bis zu 10 % zurück auf Markenverkäufe
Wir investieren in neue Marken bei Amazon. Melden Sie Ihre Marke bei der Amazon-Markenregistrierung an, um von den folgenden Vorteilen zu profitieren:
10 % zurück auf Ihre ersten 45.000 € an Markenverkäufen, dann 5 % zurück im ersten Jahr, bis Sie 900.000 € erreichen
180 € Gutschrift für Amazon Vine
Leitfaden für neue Verkaufspartner
Geschwindigkeit ist wichtig - und für Amazon- Verkaufspartner sind insbesondere die ersten 90 Tage entscheidend. Deshalb haben wir den Leitfaden für neue Verkaufspartner erfunden, ein datenbasierter Mix aus Marken-, Logistik-, Preis- und Promotionsdiensten, die darauf ausgelegt sind, das Wachstum neuer Verkaufspartner zu fördern.
Verkaufspartner, die Dienste im Leitfaden für neue Verkaufspartner annehmen, können mehr als 47.250 € an Anreizen für neue Verkaufspartner nutzen.
Verkaufspartner, die Dienste im Leitfaden für neue Verkaufspartner annehmen, können mehr als 47.250 € an Anreizen für neue Verkaufspartner nutzen.
Werben, erfüllen und wachsen mit Zuversicht
Sie haben alles in Ihr Unternehmen gesteckt — lassen Sie uns Ihre Amazon-Reise also mit Zuversicht beginnen. Alle neuen berechtigten Verkaufspartner im Tarif Professionell können die folgenden Vorteile nutzen:
90 € Gutschrift für Versandgebühren im Amazon-Versandnetzwerk im Rahmen des Amazon Transportpartnerprogramms oder 180 € Gutschrift für die Versandgebühren, bei Verwendung von Amazon Global Logistics
Wenn Sie Versand durch Amazon nutzen, erhalten Sie kostenlose Lagerung und Kundenrücksendungen mit automatischer Registrierung für das Programm für neue Artikel im Sortiment von Versand durch Amazon
Befreiung vom Aufschlag für die Lagernutzung für ein Jahr nach Erhalt des Versand durch Amazon-Lagerbestands und von der Gebühr für die Deckung der Kosten für niedrigen Lagerbestand (EU-weit) für das erste Jahr nach dem ersten Pan-EU-Aktivdatum
45 € Gutschrift für die Erstellung von gesponserte Produkte Kampagnen
45 € Gutschrift zum Erstellen von Amazon-Coupons
Über 47.250 € an Anreizen
Ihre Vorteile
Wie erhalte ich meine Vorteile
Vorteile von Versand Durch Amazon
90 € Gutschrift für Versandgebühren in das Amazon-Versandnetzwerk
Verwenden Sie das Amazon Transportpartner-Programm, um berechtigte Produkte innerhalb von 90 Tagen nach der Angebotserstellung an das Amazon-Versandnetzwerk zu senden. Die Gutschrift verfällt 1 Jahr nach Erhalt des ersten Versand durch Amazon-Lagerbestands, wenn nicht genutzt wird. Weitere Informationen.
180 € Rabatt auf Versandgebühren
Verwenden Sie Amazon Global Logistics,
um berechtigte Produkte innerhalb von 90 Tagen nach Auflistung ins Amazon-Versandnetzwerk zu senden. Das Guthaben verfällt nach 1 Jahr ab dem ersten Empfangsdatum des FBA-Lagerbestands. Weitere Informationen.
um berechtigte Produkte innerhalb von 90 Tagen nach Auflistung ins Amazon-Versandnetzwerk zu senden. Das Guthaben verfällt nach 1 Jahr ab dem ersten Empfangsdatum des FBA-Lagerbestands. Weitere Informationen.
Andere Programme mit Versand durch Amazon
Kostenlose Lagerung, Liquidationen und Kundenrücksendungen mit automatischer Registrierung für das Programm für neue Artikel im Sortiment von Versand durch Amazon
Senden Sie berechtigte Produkte, die neu bei Versand durch Amazon eingegangen sind, innerhalb von 90 Tagen nach der Angebotserstellung an das Amazon-Versandnetzwerk, um sich automatisch für das Programm für neue Artikel im Sortiment von Versand durch Amazon anzumelden. Weitere Informationen.
Befreiung von der Gebühr für die Deckung der Kosten für niedrigen Lagerbestand (EU-weit)
Professionelle Verkaufspartner, die neu in der gesamten EU sind, sind für das erste Jahr nach dem ersten EU-weiten aktiven Datum von der Gebühr für die Deckung niedriger Lagerkosten (PANEU) befreit. Weitere Informationen.
Befreiung vom Aufschlag für die Lagernutzung
Senden Sie berechtigte Produkte an das Amazon-Versandnetzwerk. Die Befreiung endet 1 Jahr nach Erhalt des ersten Versand durch Amazon-Lagerbestands. Weitere Informationen.
Vorteile von Werbung
45 € Guthaben
Erstellen Sie innerhalb von 90 Tagen nach der Angebotserstellung eine Anzeige für gesponserte Produkte für ein berechtigtes Produkt. Die Gutschrift wird innerhalb von zwei Wochen nach Erfüllung der Anforderungen für gesponserte Produkte im Amazon Ads Campaign Manager angezeigt. Das Guthaben verfällt 30 Tage nach der Anwendung auf Ihr Konto. Weitere Informationen.
45 € Guthaben
Erstellen Sie innerhalb von 90 Tagen nach Auflistung einen Coupon für ein berechtigtes Produkt. Das Guthaben verfällt 1 Jahr nach Erstellung des ersten Gutscheins. Weitere Informationen.
Getting paid and paying fees
When you set up a seller account, you’ll provide a credit card number and a bank account. Amazon will charge the credit card to cover your fees, and proceeds from any sales will be deposited into your bank account.
Selling Plans
Our selling plans give you the freedom to pay per sale or stick to a flat monthly fee. You can change or cancel your plan at any time.
(excl. VAT) / item sold
+ additional referral fee
(excl. VAT) / month
+ additional referral fees
This plan might be right for you if...
• You sell fewer than 40 items a month
• You sell more than 40 items a month
• You're still deciding what to sell
• You want to advertise your products
• You don't plan to advertise or use advanced selling tools
• You want to use advanced selling tools, like APIs and reports
• You want to sell products in restricted categories
Selling plan features
Add new products to the Amazon catalogue
Grow your business with Fulfilment by Amazon
Apply to sell in additional categories
Save time creating listings in bulk
Manage inventory with feeds, spreadsheets, and reports
Increase selling efficiency with API integration
Set your own shipping fees for non-media products *
Attract shoppers with on-site advertising tools
Run promotions including free shipping
Add multiple users to your account
* Books, Music, Video, and DVD
Revenue calculator
Estimate your sales on Amazon
Provide your product details and shipping costs, and see real-time cost comparisons between different shipping methods.
Amazon jargon:
Referral fees
For every item sold, sellers pay Amazon a percentage of the total price—including item price, shipping cost, and any gift-wrapping charges—or a minimum amount, whichever is greater. Referral fees are in addition to selling plan fees.
Category Referral Fees
Sellers pay a referral fee on each item sold. For all products, Amazon deducts the applicable referral fee percentage calculated on the total sales price. The total sales price is the total amount paid by the buyer, including the item price and any delivery or gift wrapping charges.
Referral fee percentage overview
Fee categories
Referral fee percentage
Minimum referral fee per item
* Learn more about the different types of categories or products in the Beauty, Health and Personal Care categories in Health & Personal Care – Product Types.
Fulfilment fees
Fulfilment fees depend on whether you plan to ship products yourself, or use Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA) to handle your logistics and offer Prime shipping for your products.
Pay only for the services you use
Our flexible rate structure makes it easy to be more competitive
With FBA, you only pay for the services you use. There are no subscription fees, contracts or minimum inventory requirements. Ship your products to our fulfilment centres and pay for fulfilment services and storage space used.
With FBA, you only pay for the services you use. There are no subscription fees, contracts or minimum inventory requirements. Ship your products to our fulfilment centres and pay for fulfilment services and storage space used.
Fulfilment fee
A flat fee per unit, based on the product type, dimension and weight
Storage fee
Calculated per cubic meter and month
Downloadable rate cards
You can find more details about FBA and a full set of our fees in the available languages below.
FBA storage fees *
Inventory storage fees are charged monthly based on the daily average volume (measured in cubic metres) for the space your inventory occupies in Amazon fulfilment centres. The volume measurement is based on unit size when properly packaged and ready to ship.
Clothing, eyewear, shoes and bags (standard size)
Dangerous goods — hazmat (standard size)
All other categories (standard size)
Dangerous goods — Hazmat (oversize)
All other categories (oversize)
January - September
October – December
* Storage fees are based on the daily average volume (measured in cubic metres) for the space your inventory occupies in Amazon fulfilment centres.
Additional inventory storage fees apply to products classified as dangerous goods, and for units that have been stored in an Amazon fulfilment centre for more than 271 days (surcharge for old stock in storage).
In addition to monthly storage fees, you may be charged a surcharge for warehouse usage if certain you meet certain criteria and your warehouse utilisation rate is more than 26 weeks. The latter is calculated based on the ratio of your daily average volume of inventory in cubic feet divided by the average daily shipping volume in cubic feet over the last 13 weeks.
When you fulfil orders yourself, Amazon charges shipping rates based on the product category and shipping service selected by the customer, and then passes the amount on to you in the form of a shipping credit.
Sellers with the Professional plan set their own shipping rates (except for books, music, video, and DVD products, see credit table below). When a customer buys your product, you receive a credit from Amazon that matches the shipping rate. Keep in mind that the referral fee is calculated from the total sale price, including the item price, shipping cost, and any gift wrapping charges.
Sellers with the Individual plan use Amazon’s set shipping rates for all products. Individual sellers have to ship orders at the set rates even if the shipping credit is less than total shipping costs. So, it’s important to price items in a way that makes sure you'll earn a profit.
Shipping credits for books, music, videos, and DVDs
Amazon charges customers the following shipping rates for books, music, video, and DVD products. Sellers receive the same amount in the form of a shipping credit. This applies to sellers in the Professional and Individual selling plans.
Shipping Method
Standard shipping Germany
EU, Switzerland, Liechtenstein
More European countries
Rest of the world
* Includes audio books
Important: If you have been approved to sell in restricted categories as a Professional seller, please note that you will not be able to continue listing items in those categories using the Individual selling plan. Only Professional sellers can list and sell in restricted categories. Any current active listings in categories requiring approval will remain but the service levels and delivery rates for the All other category are applied to these listings and orders.
Important: If you have been approved to sell in restricted categories as a Professional seller, please note that you will not be able to continue listing items in those categories using the Individual selling plan. Only Professional sellers can list and sell in restricted categories. Any current active listings in categories requiring approval will remain but the service levels and delivery rates for the All other category are applied to these listings and orders.
Shipping credits for books, music, videos, and DVDs
Amazon charges customers the following shipping rates for products sold in all categories besides books, music, video, and DVD. Sellers receive the same amount in the form of a shipping credit.
This applies to sellers with the individual plan. However, sellers with the Professional plan set their own shipping rates in these categories, and Amazon will match the amount with a shipping credit.
This applies to sellers with the individual plan. However, sellers with the Professional plan set their own shipping rates in these categories, and Amazon will match the amount with a shipping credit.
Shipping Method
Toys & Games
All other categories
Standard shipping Germany
€2.55 + €0.85/kg*
2.55 + €0.85/kg*
EU, Switzerland, Liechtenstein
€2.55 + €0.85/kg*
More European countries
Rest of the world
* Refers to the weight of the item, excluding the seller's packaging
Important: If you have been approved to sell in restricted categories as a Professional seller, please note that you will not be able to continue listing items in those categories using the Individual selling plan. Only Professional sellers can list and sell in restricted categories. Any current active listings in categories requiring approval will remain but the service levels and delivery rates for the All other category are applied to these listings and orders.
Important: If you have been approved to sell in restricted categories as a Professional seller, please note that you will not be able to continue listing items in those categories using the Individual selling plan. Only Professional sellers can list and sell in restricted categories. Any current active listings in categories requiring approval will remain but the service levels and delivery rates for the All other category are applied to these listings and orders.
Estimate your FBA fees
Enter your fulfilment costs and compare the profitability of your fulfilment method to FBA. Fees are calculated based on the standard FBA storage and fulfilment fees, as outlined above.
Product examples
Product type
SD Card
Wooden Cabinet
Product size class
Small envelope
Standard package
Large Oversize
Large Oversize
3.2 x 2.4 x 0.2 cm
25.5 x 18.5 x 17 cm
74 x 56 x 32 cm
150 x 10 x 10 cm
Outbound shipment weight
30 g
2.2 kg
6.2 kg
5.4 kg
Sell on
Fulfil from Central Europe programme
Fulfil from Central Europe programme
Selling on EU marketplace
Fulfil from Central Europe programme (EFN)
Fulfil from Central Europe programme (EFN)
€ 13.42
Selling on
Fulfilment from local inventory (Pan-European)
Fulfilment from local inventory (Pan-European)
Selling on EU marketplace
Fulfilment from local inventory (Pan-European)
Fulfilment from local inventory (Pan-European)
From €1.90
From €5.98
From €8.07
From €10.66
Planning to sell across Europe? Pan-European FBA and FBA European solutions enable thousands of businesses to reach millions of Prime customers all across Europe, faster and more cost-effectively.
Other costs
When calculating the full cost of selling in Amazon stores, be sure to consider additional selling expenses you may incur, and other optional programmes designed to help you increase sales
Additional selling fees
Inventory fees
If you store inventory in an Amazon fulfilment centre—available to sellers who use FBA or Multi-Channel Fulfilment—in addition to monthly inventory storage fees, you may incur other fees, such long-term storage fees, excess inventory fees and removal order fees.
High-volume listing fees
The high-volume listing fee is charged only if you list more than two million SKUs in a month. It is then charged for the highest number of SKUs over two million available this month. For each active non-media SKU over 2 million, a fee of €0.0004 per SKU will apply.
Refund administration fee
If you refund a customer for an order for which you have already received payment, Amazon will refund you the amount of the referral fee you paid for the item(s), minus the applicable Refund Administration Fee, which is the lesser of €5.00 or 20% of the applicable referral fee.
For example, if you refund a customer the €10.00 total sales price of an item in a category with a 15% referral fee, your Refund Administration Fee will be €0.30 (€10.00 x 15% referral fee = €1.50).
For example, if you refund a customer the €10.00 total sales price of an item in a category with a 15% referral fee, your Refund Administration Fee will be €0.30 (€10.00 x 15% referral fee = €1.50).
Optional programmes
Attract customers from before they even realize they need your product to the time they’re purchasing it. Amazon Advertising uses a cost-per-click, auction-based pricing model, which means you set the maximum amount that you’re willing to pay when a shopper clicks your ad.
Fulfilment by Amazon
Amazon takes care of your shipping, returns, and customer service. Special programmes like Low-price FBA rates, Subscribe and Save for FBA, FBA Dangerous Goods, Multi-Channel Fulfilment, FBA European Solutions and the FBA New Selection Programme help you remain competitive. You only pay for the services you actually use.
Get answers to frequently asked questions about Amazon Advertising.
How are Amazon FBA fees calculated?
FBA fees, or management fees, are calculated per item based on the category and size/weight of the item, and the channel in which it is sold. They cover the costs of storing your items in Amazon fulfilment centres, picking, packaging, shipping after purchase, and customer service.
These fees are charged per calendar month for all items stored in Amazon fulfilment centres. Based on the fulfilment channel used, you can get an estimate of your revenue (both of total sales revenue and per unit sold) using the FBA Revenue Calculator for specific items listed on Amazon.
These fees are charged per calendar month for all items stored in Amazon fulfilment centres. Based on the fulfilment channel used, you can get an estimate of your revenue (both of total sales revenue and per unit sold) using the FBA Revenue Calculator for specific items listed on Amazon.
What is an FBA Calculator?
The FBA Calculator is a preview tool that you can use to check and compare the estimated revenues for all the fulfilment options available for the products that you have listed on Amazon and registered for Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA). You can enter the expected total sales volumes to estimate total revenues, check the estimates per unit sold, and also compare fees and profitability between the different fulfilment methods.
What is the difference between Amazon fees and FBA fees?
Amazon fees refer to the total fees that all sellers must pay to list and sell products on the Amazon website. This includes the referral fee, which is a percentage of the total price of your product excluding tax. It is charged for each item sold and vary by category.
Depending on your selling plan, you may also incur a per-item fee or a monthly fee. For example, the Professional selling plan incurs a monthly subscription fee that also offers users a number of benefits.
In addition to this, certain sellers may also have to pay additional referral fees, either for premium services or marketing, or for other reasons. More detailed information about these fees is available on this page.
By contrast, FBA fees are only charged for products that you have listed under this particular service. They are calculated per unit based on the category, size, and weight of the item and include the costs of storing, picking, packing, and shipping your products with Fulfilment by Amazon. If you have opted for this service, these fees will be charged in addition to the other Amazon fees mentioned above.
Depending on your selling plan, you may also incur a per-item fee or a monthly fee. For example, the Professional selling plan incurs a monthly subscription fee that also offers users a number of benefits.
In addition to this, certain sellers may also have to pay additional referral fees, either for premium services or marketing, or for other reasons. More detailed information about these fees is available on this page.
By contrast, FBA fees are only charged for products that you have listed under this particular service. They are calculated per unit based on the category, size, and weight of the item and include the costs of storing, picking, packing, and shipping your products with Fulfilment by Amazon. If you have opted for this service, these fees will be charged in addition to the other Amazon fees mentioned above.
How much does Amazon charge to store products?
Sellers must pay a monthly inventory storage fee (storage fees) for the space occupied by all items stored in Amazon fulfilment centres. This is calculated based on the average daily inventory volume, which is measured in cubic metres in Europe.
The fee per cubic feet/metre varies by calendar month — it is lower from January to September, and a slightly higher amount is charged for the busy months at the end of the year from October to December. The exact amount also depends on the category your product falls into and on its dimensions (size).
There is a separate tariff for storing objects that are classified as dangerous goods.
The fee per cubic feet/metre varies by calendar month — it is lower from January to September, and a slightly higher amount is charged for the busy months at the end of the year from October to December. The exact amount also depends on the category your product falls into and on its dimensions (size).
There is a separate tariff for storing objects that are classified as dangerous goods.
Just have a few items to sell?
€39 (excl. VAT) per month + referral fees
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