Export declarations for shipping from Germany to the US

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Do you need help with export declarations for shipping from Germany to the US?

When exporting products from Germany to the US, your company must comply with regulations such as preparing export declarations.

For some shipments, including exporting goods from Germany to countries outside the European Union, your company must declare export goods with the German customs authorities, and you are required to prepare an export declaration. If you fail to provide this, your shipment may be held back. Example scenarios:

a) If the value of the shipment is less than EUR 1000 or weighs less than 1000 kg, you do not need to prepare an export declaration

b) If the value of your shipment exceeds EUR 1000 or weighs more than 1000 kg, you must provide UPS with an export declaration to clear customs in Germany. For more information, please visit the German customs website:www.zoll.de

You have two options for applying for an export declaration:

(i) You can do it yourself: If you can prepare the export declaration yourself, do so and then attach it when your shipment is collected/handed over.

(ii) You can arrange for it to be done through the Service Provider Network (SPN): Through Amazon SPN, you can contact third-party providers who can prepare the export declaration for you within approximately two to four days. These services are subject to a fee and completely independent of Amazon.
Zwei Möglichkeiten, eine Ausfuhranmeldung zu beantragen

Step-by-step instructions for obtaining an export declaration through the SPN:

Send some or all of your inventory directly to an Amazon fulfilment centre. When customers purchase products on your website or another third-party sales channel, we receive your orders and pick, pack and deliver them directly to your customers.

MCF is available with or without Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA). If you do use FBA to sell on Amazon, your existing inventory will serve both Amazon customers and customers from your other sales channels.


Contact an SPN service provider

Contact a service provider from the SPN by clicking on one of the links below and then “Contact Provider” on the provider's SPN page to request a quote or further information.

Providers that our selling partners have used to prepare their export declaration are:


The service provider will provide you with a cost estimate and indicate which documents they will need from you within 48 hours

The service provider you have chosen will probably contact you within 48 hours and provide you with a cost estimate and further information about the service offered, and detail the documents you need to provide and the next steps. Companies normally require the following documents:
  • Customs office of exit: DE007154
  • Export customs office: Depends on the customer's postcode. Corresponds to the local customs office near the customer's storage location.
  • Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number for the sender/exporter
  • Number of packages and the weight and dimensions of the shipment
  • Delivery address
  • Pick-up address
  • Franking
  • Description of goods
  • Customs tariff number
  • Dispatch date
  • Packing list
  • Signed Export Customs Power of Attorney


Send documents to the service provider

Provide the service provider with all the requested information and documents to apply for the export declaration.


The service provider initiates the request and makes an appointment for the presentation to customs

The service provider will contact German customs and make an appointment for the presentation to customs to apply for the export declaration.


You have two options for the presentation to customs:

a) You can bring your goods to your local customs office and present them there. Customs will then create the export declaration and print it out.

b) The external service provider requests the presentation to customs from your warehouse address. Representatives from customs will come to your warehouse for the presentation to customs within eight to ten hours and issue the document to you, or they will not come at all. The costs for the presentation to customs are only incurred if customs representatives come to your warehouse (the costs vary depending on the federal state). If customs representatives do not come, they will send the export declaration directly to you or the service provider.

As soon as you have received the export declaration, you must attach the export declaration to your shipment when it is collected/handed over.


Receipt of export declaration from customs


Attach the export declaration to your shipment

Hand over your goods with your export declaration and all other required documents (e.g. commercial invoice) to the shipping company or have your goods (including documents) picked up from you.

Are you using the Amazon Partnered Carrier Programme (PCP)?

If you use the Amazon PCP to ship your products to an FBA fulfilment centre, please consider the time it takes you to create/have an export declaration created when choosing the pickup date with UPS.

Before you apply for the export declaration, please create your shipment in Seller Central. The process of applying for an export declaration takes around three working days and you will be notified of the final shipment destination during the shipment creation process. The shipment destination is mandatory for applying for an export declaration. When selecting a shipment date, please be aware of the time required to create the export declaration.

If you need more information or support in submitting your export declaration, you can contact a trusted third-party provider listed in the Amazon SPN.

Click on the link below to view the full list of third-party providers: Go to the Service Provide Network

Disclaimer: Please note that Amazon provides these listings for informational purposes only. When you choose a service provider, you enter into a direct contract with that provider, who will provide you with services at your request. Amazon does not endorse service providers or their services. Any prices shown above in a converted currency are for your information only, and service providers may charge you a different currency or amount, plus any applicable taxes.

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